Friday, February 20, 2009

What is "InterNetworkMarketing?"

I thought I was SO clever, coining a whole new word: InterNetworkMarketing. After all, it's not in the dictionary! But when I went to GoDaddy to purchase a domain, I found out that someone else had already made up that word. Webster's Dictionary just doesn't know about it yet. So I had to settle for "Internetworkmarketing Diva." That's ok. I always did want to be a Diva! (Lemonade is better than lemons, anyway! I trust you're familiar with the advice: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.")

So what IS "Internetworkmarketing?" Well . . . it's actually pretty self-explanatory if you think about it. It's a combination of Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. In other words, the act of doing network marketing via the internet.

I have been a network marketer for YEARS. (I could tell you how many, but you'd think I was ancient!) So of course, I learned the network marketing the "traditional" way. (Holding "Belly-to-belly" appointments, showing dvds, making phone calls, etc.)

When I lost my voice for basically a YEAR (Now THAT'S a whole other story! It COULD even be a BOOK!) I found traditional methods very difficult to carry out! (Try making multiple phone call with no voice!)

So, while I stayed in touch with my team by emailing and text messaging, I also began searching the internet, looking for ways to expand my business online. I figured while I couldn't talk, I could still type. I discovered that there are TONS of programs and systems to choose from! There are so many things available that initially I suffered from information overload! Next came analysis paralysis. Slowly, painstakingly, I waded through the information and eventually emerged victorious!

After researching,studying,sorting,comparing,testing and eliminating programs and systems for months, I finally chose what I believe to be the very best system available to help a network marketer build a team online. I put the system in place, plugged it in, and now my main "work" is to "drive traffic" to my landing pages. The system does the sorting, so I only speak with people who REQUEST a call.

I LOVE IT! No more cold calls, "prospecting" or bugging my broke friends! Thanks to the power of the internet, I can get dozens of leads more quickly and easily than I can get a single lead with "traditional" offline methods. It's "Attraction Marketing" at its best!

As far as I'm concerned, Internetwork Marketing is definitely the way to go!

If you want to check out the system I settled on, go to Oh yeah, and another cool deal: You make money when people subscribe to use the system, even if they don't join your network marketing company! How cool is that!

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