Thursday, June 4, 2009

Change Your pH Balance, Save Your Life!

Have you ever wondered why cancer, lupus, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and many other degenerative diseases are escalating at epidemic proportions, in spite of all the billions of dollars spent on medical research and treatment?

It's because the human body was designed to have an alkaline pH balance (approximately 7.4) but the typical modern diet keeps everyone very acidic. Things like meat, dairy products, bread, pasta, sugar and carbonated beverages just KILL your pH balance! If you do not get your pH balance where it should be, you are a walking time bomb for cancer, or many other degenerative diseases!

The good news is that it is easy to get your pH balance where it should be, and then you do not have to fear any of these dread diseases! You can PREVENT them, and even CURE them, just by giving your body what it needs! The human body is an amazing creation, with miraculous healing power, if you just give it a chance! It reproduces its cells at a rate of 1 billion per second. (Which means you are a brand new person every 90 days!) But the only building material it has with which to produce these cells is what you put into your mouth!

It is very hard to alkalize your body through diet alone. (Trust me, I've tried, and could just never get there!) However, it is simple if you give it the nutritional supplements it needs, and follow some specific instructions, involving sodium bicarbonate -- simple, ordinary baking soda! (But it is important that you test your body's pH level to make sure you get the desired pH.)

Many people, when they first hear this information, just can't believe that it's so simple to beat cancer! They think that if it is that easy, why isn't baking soda being prescribed by doctors? (But then it doesn't take a genius to figure out the answer to that question, does it!)

Even though this knowledge was discovered many years ago, since the "cure" is something that cannot be patented by the pharmaceutical companies and sold for profit, for some mysterious reason the mainstream medical community hasn't embraced it! However, more and more medical doctors are stepping forward and doing so.

I came across this information as a result of my frantic search for something to save the life of a close family friend who was in a fight for his life. Unfortunately, it was too late. Since then, it has become my mission to share this information with everyone I can, because a fight against cancer is a race against time. I want everyone to find this information in time.

I recently compiled the information that tells how many people have beaten "terminal cancer" on a squidoo lens, which I am continually updating. That url is Please study and apply the information on that site, and share the link with everyone you know. Also, If you have any links or testimonials that would be beneficial, please email them to me at, and put "AlkalizeForLife" in the subject field. (or I guess just "pH" would do! It's much easier to spell! lol)

Consider this: The earth has ALWAYS been round. But that's only been acknowledged as fact for the last few centuries. Likewise, the prevention and cure for cancer have ALWAYS been here, but have only been discovered and PROVEN within the past few years.

I will not rest until the FACT that cancer and other degenerative diseases can be prevented and cured through this natural method is as commonly known as the fact that the world is round and not flat.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Please pass this link on to EVERYONE YOU KNOW. The lives you save could be your own loved ones!

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,in diet,and in the cause and prevention of disease." -Thomas A. Edison