Saturday, March 21, 2009

This World Is Ruled By Infinite Intelligence

I love the "Miracle Minute" message I just received on my cell phone from Mary Mannin Morrissey. (Life Soulutions) I would like to pass it on to you:

It was Thomas Edison who said “I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us – everything that exists - proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can absolutely be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.”

So right where you are right now there is a spiritual universe
of which you are a part
. It is absolutely mathematically precise in the way it works.

And it is comforting to know this, because it simply means that when we change our thoughts we change our lives. Because mathematically, scientifically, infinitely,
these laws work

So today can be a day you get to create a day of your choosing.

And you will choose it with your thoughts. So join me today, and let’s just take every single thought, and say, "Does this take me forward?" If it does, lean into it and if it doesn’t, send it on its way.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Change Your Thoughts And You Will Change Your Life

When I created this blog, and named it, it was with the intention of having it be all about my favorite subjects to teach, such as the Law of Attraction and other Laws of the Universe, Personal Development, The Secret, and works by Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Napoleon Hill, etc.

Then for some reason, it seems like every time I post, it's about my second favorite subject to teach, network marketing -- or InterNetworkMarketing, as I call it.

Anyway, I wanted to tell everyone something today that is actually relevant to the title! (Please don't faint.) I saw this quote somewhere and just had to share it. (In fact, if you follow me on Twitter, you may have already read it in my tweet earlier today! It goes like this:

"You don't get what you get because you want it. You get it because you believe it

Wow! Think about it! That is so profound. Let's all make it a conscious decision to believe for what we want!

We can turn it all around if we will just all focus on doing that.


Wow! Our Weekend With "Big Al" Schreiter Was AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! STUPENDOUS!

If you ever get a chance to attend a Big Al Schreiter seminar, do whatever it takes to be there! Our weekend in Houston last weekend was out of this world. We learned SO much!

The theme of the seminar was hands-on internet marketing. For two days we worked on our own laptops and actually learned how to do all kinds of things, like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter,and YouTube.

Yes! We even recorded our own videos and put them up on YouTube! I can't believe I even have my own "channel!" (That really sounds high-falutin', until you realize that's just how YouTube works, huh!)

First of all, I could never have imagined how easy it was to do! And secondly, we thought we would have to go buy a video camera. Turns out our cheap little digital camera that we already had does just fine!

The technology turned out to be extremely easy! But content . . . now that is another story! When you see these, you will know for a fact that they are the first three videos we've ever made in our lives. (Except for family videos,of course.)

If you had told me that I would ever in a million years allow a video up on YouTube with me in it, I would have said . . . well, what I would have said just isn't suitable for print! And now there are three videos online, with more to come! I must say, it is excruciatingly painful for me to watch and hear myself on video. (And when you see these you will understand why!)

I mean, after all, I'm the one that finally had to hide the Christmas 1990 video from my family just to get a little relief from being laughed at and ribbed mercilessly for weeks by my kids! Here it is nineteen years later,and they're still imitating me! (Don't even try to find it, Trevor -- you never will! That video will never see the light of day again!)

I could have never clicked that "upload" button myself! But . . . I closed my eyes, covered my ears, gritted my teeth, and allowed my husband to upload them to YouTube anyway, hoping they're not even a fraction as horrible as I know they are!

So why on earth did I allow them to go online, for anyone in the whole wide world to see? Because I keep reading that to be successful online, you have to "brand yourself." "People join people, not companies," they say. Well, if someone can watch these terrible videos and still want to join me in business, I will know I have a truly open-minded, willing network marketer!

A person might as well see what you're getting yourself into, eh? Seriously, seeing me on there will give people hope! They will take one look at these videos, and be thinking "We're gonna be RICH! If she can be successful, I know I can!"

In addition to the technical, hands-on education, we had a chance to just sit and pick Big Al's brain for hours on end! We learned sooo much from the master network marketer that it will take many posts to even scratch the surface. So keep checking back! Or better yet, subscribe to my RSS feed. (If you haven't been to the training, don't worry - I didn't know what that meant until last weekend either!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just Home From San Antonio, Heading Back Out to Houston

The wonderful Lone Star State seems to be our home away from home for the first part of March! We just got back from the most wonderful 4 days in BEAUTIFUL San Antonio, and we're heading out again to Houston EARLY (as in dark-thirty!) Friday morning.

While in San Antonio, one of our most favorite places in all the world, we had the most beautiful weather imaginable. The Riverwalk was as fun as ever, and we Howled at the Moon at our favorite piano bar. Oh yes, and we attended a FABULOUS business conference, too!

Our conference was at the Westin La Cantera Resort, where we had the swankest suite we have ever seen anywhere! It was actually a luxury condo, with a bathroom larger than a lot of master bedrooms! We had our own HUGE private courtyard,complete with pool and hottub. We were provided with our own golf cart for transportation around the resort. (I know, we have a tough job, but someone's got to do it, right?) The service was excellent as well. All in all we give it a 5 Star rating.

The news from our business conference was out of this world! There are so many great things happening I even put together our own "Economic Stimulus Package" to get the word out about some of them. Once example is a FREE BLACKBERRY, and another is a FREE $25 Dining Certificate! If you would like the full information, send an email to me at, and I'll get it right out to you. Unless I don't get your email before we head off to Houston, in which case I'll send it to you Monday.

In Houston we will be attending a seminar with Big Al Schreiter. We cannot wait! He's one of our all-time favorites, and we will be working with him one-on-one. We will be recording a video or two while we're there, and IF they turn out ok, I'll let you see them. I hate seeing (and especially HEARING!) myself on video, but I'm trying to get over it, now that I'm a DIVA! LOL

Until next week, remember, you become what you think about! Think great thoughts!

To your massive success,
The InternetworkmarketingDiva :-)